Financial Guidelines
Financial Compliance Guidelines for Volunteer Fire Departments
This document, published by the Alabama Department of Examiners of Public Accounts, provides financial and compliance guidelines for volunteer fire departments. The objective of the guidelines is to promote better, more consistent accounting and audits of the stewardship of Alabama taxpayers' money and to ensure that officials uphold the public trust.
This opinion letter from the Alabama Attorney General's office addresses reasons a volunteer fire department is subject to competitive bid laws, why the business records of a VFD are subject to disclosure under the Open Records Law, and that VFD records must be maintained according to the guidelines of the State Records Commission.
Meeting Guidelines
Alabama Open Meetings - Manual for Public Officials
This manual was prepared by the Alabama Attorney General's Office, along with the Alabama Press Association, to provide a detailed outline of the Open Meetings Act and answer most of the obvious questions it raises.
Alabama Open Meetings Legislation: Act No. 2005-40 | Act No. 2015-340 | Act No. 2015-475
The original legislation, along with subsequent amendments, are linked above for reference.
This opinion letter from the Alabama Attorney General's office explains why volunteer fire departments and county volunteer fire departments are subject to the Open Meetings Act.
Guidelines for Taking & Preserving Meeting Minutes
This procedural leaflet is provided by the Alabama State & Local Records Commission.
Under Alabama state law (Sections 36-19-3 and 36-19-6), all fires must be reported to the State Fire Marshal's Office. Compliance with these reporting requirements can be achieved by fire departments entering their runs into the National Fire Incident Reporting System, where these reports will be stored in FEMA's database.
To access the National Fire Incident Reporting System, go to: